Friday, January 18, 2019

Driven Destiny

Two cars pass each other by on the open road.  The red car travels from east to west.  The black car travels from west to east.  The lady in the red car just received news that her sister was rushed to the hospital as she was just hit by a drunk driver.  Speeding as fast as she can, that it appears wind has emerged from her presence.  The woman in the black car was sobbing aimlessly on the open road, depressed with no place to go.  She feels alive on the road for as long as it will take her.  Two hours ago, she had an awful dispute with her husband over his obsessive gambling debt.  He slapped her across the face and went to his hidden shelter, a bar.  He poured himself one drink after another until he forgot his mere existence.  He then decided that he did not care about anyone; not even himself.  He went behind the wheel and started to drive home.  He thought to himself that he may either have his way with his wife or give her another beating.  As he thought of the idea of hitting his wife, he laughed maliciously that he did not see a young woman crossing the street.  SMACK!  He smashed right into her body and decided to keep driving.  He made sure to wash off the blood that trickled down his windshield.  No care in the world; no regret.  Two cars pass each other by; not knowing each others story.  However, both women were affected by one man; one monster inhabiting the earth.   One soul that possibly took another.  No one knows how one's life might touch another person.  However, we may be connected by one reason or another.  We may not have any connection at all.  While we are here, we should fulfill each other's life to the best ability that we can.