Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sophie’s Choice

 I finally watched the famous film, Sophie’s Choice.  I’m working on a Holocaust novel, so I do try to watch and read, as well as learn about the Holocaust in order to enhance my novel.  Before watching Sophie’s Choice, I had certain expectations that I was going to be amazed by the plot and writing.  However,  I did not really care for it.  It takes place years later after the Holocaust occurred. There are some flashbacks where the main character, Sophie,  played by Meryl Streep goes back in time where it shows her character going back in time as a prisoner in the Holocaust.  To be honest,  I did not like her character.  I found her character to be cowardice.  If you haven’t seen the movie:  warning I’m sharing some spoilers.  In a scene when she first arrived in the concentration camp, Auschwitz, she tried to bargain with an SS officer by saying how the Jews are awful and how her children and herself are not Jews.  Her character seemed to throw anyone under the bus accept herself.  At that point after opening her mouth to the Nazi,  he gave her a choice that would affect her for the rest of her life.  I heard so many great things about this movie, and felt a little let down.  

Another scene in the movie where a Jewish prisoner ask her to join the resistance.  Right away, she said no and was afraid of being shot, and did not care to help.  

Maybe I’m a little harsh regarding her character.  If I was living during this time,  would I have joined the resistance?  I’m not sure, but hoped that I would have.  

On a positive note,  Meryl Streep was phenomenal.  Her polish accent was so on point.  She really is a wonderful actress.  

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