Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sophie’s Choice

 I finally watched the famous film, Sophie’s Choice.  I’m working on a Holocaust novel, so I do try to watch and read, as well as learn about the Holocaust in order to enhance my novel.  Before watching Sophie’s Choice, I had certain expectations that I was going to be amazed by the plot and writing.  However,  I did not really care for it.  It takes place years later after the Holocaust occurred. There are some flashbacks where the main character, Sophie,  played by Meryl Streep goes back in time where it shows her character going back in time as a prisoner in the Holocaust.  To be honest,  I did not like her character.  I found her character to be cowardice.  If you haven’t seen the movie:  warning I’m sharing some spoilers.  In a scene when she first arrived in the concentration camp, Auschwitz, she tried to bargain with an SS officer by saying how the Jews are awful and how her children and herself are not Jews.  Her character seemed to throw anyone under the bus accept herself.  At that point after opening her mouth to the Nazi,  he gave her a choice that would affect her for the rest of her life.  I heard so many great things about this movie, and felt a little let down.  

Another scene in the movie where a Jewish prisoner ask her to join the resistance.  Right away, she said no and was afraid of being shot, and did not care to help.  

Maybe I’m a little harsh regarding her character.  If I was living during this time,  would I have joined the resistance?  I’m not sure, but hoped that I would have.  

On a positive note,  Meryl Streep was phenomenal.  Her polish accent was so on point.  She really is a wonderful actress.  

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Twilight Zone Disaster

Image result for twilight zone

I have always been a huge fan of, "The Twilight Zone."  When CBS announced that they are creating a new twilight zone, naturally I got excited and was excited to watch.  The first few episodes, I admit were OK.  However, I watched an episode titled, "The Wunderkind," which was upsetting to watch.  It was about a man who represents candidates who are trying out to become president.  This particular candidate was an 11 year old boy.  This was a horrid disgrace to American laws and regulations that state in order to become a president, you must be at the age of 35.  I could not get into it as much as I tried.  Another episode titled, "A Traveler," was also horribly done.  I could not get into the characters and just paid more attention to my phone in my hand as opposed to what was on TV.  This was about a small town in Alaska around Christmas time.  Every year, they lock up someone and show this person the true meaning of Christmas.  They stumble upon a man who mysteriously appeared in their jail cell and they have no idea how he gets there.  I think they were trying to copy the episode from Mr. Serling's episode, "To Serve Man,"  which was brilliantly done as well as "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street."  In this episode, people pointed fingers at each other accusing each other of being an alien invader.  If Mr. Serling could see the new Twilight Zone epsiodes, he would probably be turning over in his grave.    This just shows you that you cannot redo a classic.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Driven Destiny

Two cars pass each other by on the open road.  The red car travels from east to west.  The black car travels from west to east.  The lady in the red car just received news that her sister was rushed to the hospital as she was just hit by a drunk driver.  Speeding as fast as she can, that it appears wind has emerged from her presence.  The woman in the black car was sobbing aimlessly on the open road, depressed with no place to go.  She feels alive on the road for as long as it will take her.  Two hours ago, she had an awful dispute with her husband over his obsessive gambling debt.  He slapped her across the face and went to his hidden shelter, a bar.  He poured himself one drink after another until he forgot his mere existence.  He then decided that he did not care about anyone; not even himself.  He went behind the wheel and started to drive home.  He thought to himself that he may either have his way with his wife or give her another beating.  As he thought of the idea of hitting his wife, he laughed maliciously that he did not see a young woman crossing the street.  SMACK!  He smashed right into her body and decided to keep driving.  He made sure to wash off the blood that trickled down his windshield.  No care in the world; no regret.  Two cars pass each other by; not knowing each others story.  However, both women were affected by one man; one monster inhabiting the earth.   One soul that possibly took another.  No one knows how one's life might touch another person.  However, we may be connected by one reason or another.  We may not have any connection at all.  While we are here, we should fulfill each other's life to the best ability that we can.  

Saturday, January 6, 2018

In Memory of Susan Broklawski

People deal with death in different ways.  Some people handle it by meditating.  Others rather not face it.  Those that have difficulty facing it may not call the person who lost someone.  They may not go to the person's funeral or pay respects to the person in their home.  Death! It is an awful word; a final word.  December 22nd was supposed to be a fun day for everyone.  For teachers and students, it was the last day of school.  Vacation awaited us all; a well deserved one.  It appeared to be a normal Friday.  I had difficulty finding a parking spot; which was not unusual for me.  After 20 minutes of searching for one and giving up hope, I finally found one.  Walking toward the school that I work at, I saw my cell phone ringing.  It was my friend who is pregnant.  I was shocked to get a call from her as she never spoke to me before during the wee hours of  the morning.  I thought that maybe she had her baby.  As soon as I said hello, she informed me that my good friend's mother has died.  I told her that it is not true.  It could not be and only thought to myself that it was a mistake.  After-all,  I just saw her a week ago at a holiday party.  She appeared to be fine and had her wits about her.  My friend's mom was never just my friend's mom to me.  She was considered an aunt to me:  Aunt Susan.  To be honest, my friend is not really my friend and has always been more of a sister to me.  She is the type of sister who you know you can argue with, but know she cares for you and enjoys bossing you around and gives you advice that you may not want or need, but most of the time it is helpful advice.  After hearing this dreadful news, I knew in my heart, I did not want to be at work and just wanted to comfort her.  I got permission from school to see her for a while.  I prayed that when I got there, I would find out that it was a false alarm and everything was fine.  Unfortunately, it was true and I still feel in my own mind that it is a mistake; a sadistic falsified error that I have trouble accepting.  At night, in order to cope, I tell myself it is not true.  This is how I can deal with it at this time.  
Susan was the type of person you can tell anything to.  The thing I loved about her is that she never really judged you.  If you were upset with someone, she would be upset with that person along with you.  If you had difficulty with something, she would always listen.  She called me and my other friends, "baby-doll."  Her passion was driven by horses  as she adored them.  The following poem will be forever dedicated to Susan; a wonderful friend, Aunt, mother, human being.

I walked upon the meadow and saw her gazing at me
She appeared tall and thin trotting along the fields of green
Her eyes met mine in her glory
She stood grazing on the meadows
Full of life, full of tranquility.
She screamed out a low, but kind, "Neigh,"
The next thing I knew she galloped away.
She cantered away toward a rainbow that magically appeared in the sky
I knew she would be at peace as I saw her start to fly
Goodbye beautiful stallion as you will be missed
For now and always you will be in eternal bliss.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Michelle Arrose: A Teacher's Journey to Literary Success: Is There Life After Death?

Michelle Arrose: A Teacher's Journey to Literary Success: Is There Life After Death?: We often find ourselves pondering the answers to questions that are unknown.  This question has repeated itself over and over again.  Is t...

Is There Life After Death?

We often find ourselves pondering the answers to questions that are unknown.  This question has repeated itself over and over again.  Is there life after death?  I know this can be a morbid topic, but an interesting one.  Many people I know do not believe in the after life.  I have been skeptic as well.  However, I have had my odd encounters that are just unexplainable.  For example, a camera we have in our home picked up a shadow of a man walking that looked much like my deceased grandfather.  The baby was home with a new unexperienced babysitter.  Was it my grandfather watching and protecting in his own way or was it a shadow from outside reflecting upon the wall?  My husband who is a skeptic was freaked out by this video the camera picked up.

Sometimes, late at night I hear a woman humming downstairs.  I tell myself that it is my imagination.  I never check it out as it is a faint distant humming sound in the night.  To see the unknown is ten times scarier than to imagine it.  Many years ago I went to a psychic for fun.  She told me that I have a gift to see the unknown.  I laughed at her and told her that I definitely choose not to see it.  However, unfortunately after my grandparents died,  I felt a slight touch on my arm, hand leg, or somewhere just as they were passing.  I did not know it at the time, but always had an eerie feeling when I felt their touch. After my grandmother had passed whom I was very close with, I asked out loud that I never want to feel it again.  Thankfully, the touch has stopped. 

I am sure that as you are reading this blog, you might be thinking, "what a nut job.  I don't believe it."  If it were me reading it, I may think the same way.  I think we each have the ability to see things if we choose to.  If we don't want to and block ourselves from seeing, then that is our right.  I, personally do believe in the unknown.  However, they call it unknown for a reason.  My uncle has had many dreams of his father visiting him after he passed, telling him messages.  One message was when my grandfather showed him a closet that he should open.  When my uncle woke up, he opened the closet and found money that my grandfather wanted my grandmother to have. 

I do believe our relatives watch over us from afar.  Recently, I had a vision of my friend who passed a few years ago.  She was standing at the bottom of her steps smiling as if she were saying hello.  I never went to her home, but told one of my friends about my vision.  The way I described the place she was standing sounded like her home to my friend who did visit her many times. 

Recently I became engrossed in the show, Twin Peaks about a girl Laura Palmer who was killed.  Detective Cooper played by Kyle Mac Lachlan is sent to Twin Peaks in order to solve who murdered Ms. Palmer.  It seems that he has the gift and is able to get supernatural messages from Laura.  One night Detective Cooper has a dream where Laura speaks to him in a cryptic manner saying that she feels she knows Laura and sometimes her arms bend back.   Have you ever dreamt of a relative that has passed?  It is ingenious the way David Lynch, the producer/director painted this picture so realistic where the deceased is not able to fully have a conversation, but yet they are their to guide and express their view in a subliminal way.  I believe this to be true.  Years ago, one of my grandmother's came to me in a dream and told me that
I was going to marry an individual.  I believed her message and did not realize that in my dream she appeared to look very frail, unhappy, and her message was delivered in a woeful manner.  I ignored her message and thought when I met this person, I had to be with him.  Despite his sociopathic tendencies, I told myself he must be for me since my grandmother came to me from the grave and told me so.  It took me a long time to realize that she was not advising me to be with him, but rather warning me not be with him. 

If you believe or choose not to believe in the supernatural unknown world, then that is your choice.  However, if  you have a dream from a relative that is no longer with you, listen carefully to their cryptic, mysterious words as maybe you are being blessed with a gift  that you have been given.  They maybe sending you an important message or just letting you know that they are still there for you.   We don't know the true meaning of the universe and its uncertainty.  However, there is nothing wrong in wondering and believing.  Sometimes knowing the loss of a loved one makes it easier to believe that they are out there guiding and protecting you in your life.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Perfection iIs A Difficult Task

Writing can be extremely difficult.  I have written many times.  You must edit with a fine tooth and comb.  After publishing, I noticed that I may have omitted a word which destroyed the sentence.  I'm sure all writers are guilty of this.  I am working on a new novel based on the Holocaust.  This is one that is going to take me a long time to complete.  I definitely do not want to make careless mistakes; especially when writing about an important topic.   I am also finding it challenging to write it and be historically accurate.  I am also contemplating if I should make it into a novella or a novel.  I have many decisions to make.  Once I am in the middle of writing it, I have a difficult time stopping, but it takes me a while to start.  I excel at procrastination.  I will keep you posted on this difficult journey.  If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment.  I always open to suggestions.   

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