Friday, October 24, 2014

Academia promotes Gangs & Bad Behavior

Is it possible that all this academic, common core pressure actually instills negative behavior in children. I think that depends on the child's home life. Many of my students do not come from a stable home. Their parents are definitely not involved. Some of my students are crack babies. When I am teaching them, they will act up by talking to their friends, making sounds, and do anything to get attention and not have to work. I started to think today on my ride home that these children should not have to endure and deal with the common core standards. Academics is not for everyone. There are definitely some students that need to be challenged academically and would never disagree to that. However, the children I am thinking of would benefit from learning a trade instead. If a student is in to cars, their classes should focus on the auto industry instead. They should still have some academics too, but based on the industry that they are interested in. I guarantee you that children would behave. Students may actually be excited to go to school. The gang rate might decrease as students would not feel the need to belong to a group. They already belong to the class where they are learning what they enjoy in their comfort zone. Stress would decrease as tests would not be administered in the same manner. I think society would be better as a whole.

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